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Al Amal Pharmacy website

Al Amal Pharmacy website

Project link
48 - New customers
23 - Ongoing Customers
17 - Customers from Social Media
17 - Direct customers


The idea of Al Amal electronic pharmacy is an innovative and good idea that many customers are searching for and this has helped us a lot in the process of marketing it on the Internet, so we have made an ideal design for the pharmacy and easy to use and helps visitors and customers to get what they want in the fastest time and the easiest way also, we also designed the site to It is compatible with all electronic devices such as computer, mobile phones, and also the Talpette to provide a unique experience for all of its visitors. All of this has helped greatly in increasing the number of visitors significantly, whether from search engines or social media as well, and because of the great success of the site, its owners are thinking of making an application from our supervision.
95% E-marketing
75% Increase in visitors
80% Interactive increase on social media

Customer Rating

A very excellent platform and their support services are the best, their designs are innovative and they helped us reach many customers at the lowest cost and with excellent services that they outperform many of their competitors.
Dr. Laith Al-Ibrahim
Director of Al-Amal Pharmacy website